LCYC and the LaGrange County Parks Department have rescheduled the Connecting with Youth event for September 21, 2024. The event will take place at Dallas Lake Park 10 am-1 pm.
8 months ago, Westview Admin
LCYC Connecting with Youth Flyer.
Some members of the JH girl’s soccer team participated in a Soccer in the Sand tournament on Saturday. Coach Hershey and 9 girls traveled to Michigan City Beach to play in three challenging games of sand soccer. The girls’ teamwork and good attitudes remained strong throughout the day. Great job Warriors!
8 months ago, WJSHS
sand soccer Michigan city
sand soccer Michigan city
sand soccer Michigan city
sand soccer Michigan city
It's time to start thinking about transportation for the 24-25 school year! Please email or call Yvonne Eash if you have a transportation change! We need to know: - If you were a car rider last year, but need a bus this year - If you were a bus rider last year, but don't need a bus this year - If you need to get on or off at an address that is not your home address - If you have a babysitter change and need a different bus We need to know anything different from last year to work on routes for the 2024-25 school year. Email Yvonne at: or call 260-768-4404 x1004
8 months ago, Westview Admin
Join us for a Suicide/Overdose Awareness Event on September 19th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Westview Jr-Sr High School. The event includes a Resource Fair and Remembrance Walk. The event is free for all, but pre-registration is required. Check the attached documents for registration info and sponsorship opportunities.
8 months ago, Westview Admin
Suicide/Overdose Awareness Event Flyer
Suicide/Overdose Awareness Sponsorship
Each year, the incoming 8th graders grow potatoes for their Intro to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources class. Their teacher, Miss Alexander, recently completed potato checks to see how the potatoes are growing. Students are doing well and should be proud of their work so far.
8 months ago, WJSHS
potato checks 1
potato checks 2
Thank you to these garden club members who came in over summer break to spread mulch and pull weeds in the courtyard! We appreciate your work.
8 months ago, WJSHS
Cheyanne Diaz and Kaleb Iddings spreading mulch in the courtyard
Noah Bontrager placed 11th in the Nation last Thursday June 13, 2024 at Track and Field Nationals in Philadelphia. He ran 5000 meters in 14:55.18, which is 25 seconds faster than his 5K Cross Country school record! Well done, Noah!
9 months ago, WJSHS
Noah Bontrager 11th Place Nationals 5000 Meter Run 14:55.18
From June 6 through the 10th, forty-nine eighth-grade students traveled to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. Students spent time touring the Gettysburg battlefield, seeing several monuments and memorials in D.C., touring the Capitol Building and Arlington Cemetery, and visiting the National Cathedral. Additionally, the students traveled to Baltimore, where they toured the grounds of Ft. McHenry and enjoyed the sights of Baltimore Harbor. The trip was led by Mrs. Eash, Mr. Yoder, and Mr. Yoder.
9 months ago, Westview Admin
Group of pictures from the Washington D.C. Field Trip
Congratulations to Westview Jr-Sr High Freshman Luke Haarer, who scored an even par of 71 today at golf Regionals. Luke will advance as an individual to the State competition on June 11 and 12 in Carmel.
9 months ago, WJSHS
Luke Haarer Regional Runner-Up 2024. State Qualifier Golf.
Congratulations Westview Jr-Sr High School Varsity Boys Golf, who scored well enough at Sectionals to advance to Regionals. Regionals will be played at Stonehenge Golf Club on Thursday, June 6th. Well done and best of luck, Warriors!
9 months ago, WJSHS
Golf Regional Qualifiers 2024
Shout out to the Westview Varsity Boys Baseball team, your 2024 IHSAA Regional Champions!
9 months ago, WJSHS
Baseball 2024 Regional Champions
Congratulations to sophomore Noah Bontrager for beating his own school record in the 3200 meter race today at State Finals in Bloomington with a time of 9:01.69. He ran his previous record on April 19 with a time of 9:03.56. Noah's time today placed him 5th overall at State. Well done, Noah.
9 months ago, WJSHS
Noah Bontrager breaks school record for 3200 meter run with a 9:01.69
Noah Bontrager 5th at State Track and Field 3200 Meter Race 2024
Congratulations to the Varsity Boys Baseball team on your 2024 IHSAA Sectional Championship!
9 months ago, WJSHS
Varsity Boys Baseball Sectional Champions 2024
Suicide/Overdose Awareness Event September 19th, 5:30-7:00 pm. To become involved, see the contact information on the second image. More details to come throughout the planning process.
9 months ago, Westview Admin
Suicide and Overdoes Awareness Event Information
Suicide and Overdoes Awareness Event Information Page 2
Congratulations to the class of 2024 as you begin your first week as official Westview graduates! We are proud of your accomplishments so far and wish you the best on your next chapter! Photo credit: 2024 Graduate Karly Miller
9 months ago, WJSHS
class of 2024
Congratulations to the Viewers Choice award winner for the 2024 Fine Arts Gala. The winner was Abriana Suddarth with her piece titled “Sloth Teapot” Congratulations Abriana! Thank you to all who voted.
10 months ago, WJSHS
Abriana Suddarth viewers' choice award 2024
Congratulations to Noah Bontrager, the Regional Champion in both the 1600 meter and the 3200 meter races. He will advance to State Championships for each. Way to run, Noah!
10 months ago, WJSHS
Noah Bontrager 1600 Meter regional champion 2024
Noah Bontrager 3200 Meter Regional Champion 2024
Seventh grade math students in Mrs. Atra's and Mrs. Cory's classes worked with partners to create 3D models. Then they measured and calculated the volume and surface area of their animal models.
10 months ago, WJSHS
7th Grade math classes 3D models
7th grade math classes 3D models
7th grade math classes 3D models
Mrs. Cory's Class 2024
Mrs. Cory's Class 2024
Mrs. Cory's class 2024
Earlier today, Mrs. Cowley’s Sophomore Honors English 10 celebrated the completion of reading The Great Gatsby by having a party in honor of the novel.
10 months ago, WJSHS
Mrs. Cowley’s Great Gatsby party 2024
Mrs. Cowley’s Great Gatsby party 2024
Great Gatsby party 2024
Great Gatsby party 2024
Breaking records! Congratulations to Adelyn Rainsberger who ran a State-qualifying race last night in the 800 meter. Not only did she qualify for State, she broke the school record for the 800 meter with a time of 2:17.01. The previous record was 2:18.1 held by Nicole Williams. Way to work for it, Adelyn!
10 months ago, WJSHS
Adelyn Rainsberger Record Breaking 800 meter run
Adelyn Rainsberger State Qualifier 800 Meter run 2024