The Junior High boys varsity cross country won the Manchester Invitational yesterday (9/7/24), beating the second place school by 35 points. There were 20 total teams at the meet. The Westview Junior Varsity boys cross country also won their race with a perfect score, meaning the top five finishers of the race were all Westview. Well done, Warriors! Also pictured are coaches Don Williams and Erica Mohr.
6 months ago, WJSHS
Junior High Cross Country Boys, Varsity and Junior Varsity
New school record! Noah Bontrager ran a 5K in 14:59.30 today at the Marion Invitational. Not only did he set the new Westview record with this run, he came in first place in today's meet, finishing 30 seconds ahead of the next runner.
6 months ago, WJSHS
Noah Bontrager 5K Record September 7, 2024 14:59.30
You are invited to Lagrange County Community Open House events.
6 months ago, Westview Admin
Steller Community Connections Flyer
Congratulations to the Junior High Varsity boys cross country team for placing first at the 30th annual Prairie Heights Invitational this morning!
6 months ago, WJSHS
JH Varsity Boys XC  2024
Congratulations to the High School Girls Varsity cross country team for placing first at the 30th annual Prairie Heights Invitational this morning!
6 months ago, WJSHS
Jada Mauck, Merrill Warrener, Bailey Manns, Addison Rainsberger, Kiana Mast, Eden Mauck, Kate, Annagail Warrener
Come support the Westview Booster Club by joining us for the Color Run on September 27! Run times are at 5:30 and 6:00 pm. Food trucks are available from 4:45 to 7:30 pm. Cost is $20 and participants will receive a t-shirt and sunglasses to wear during the event. Registration forms will go home with elementary students (or you can register with the QR code in the image). Registrations are due by September 13.
6 months ago, WJSHS
Color Blast September 27
Thank you to Blue Gate and Shipshewana Trading Place, Auction, and Flea Market for hosting the 2024 Westview staff picnic this past Friday. We enjoyed the food and the company and appreciate your thoughtfulness!
6 months ago, WJSHS
Thank you Blue Gate and Shipshewana Trading Place Westview staff picnic 2024
Lisa Connie Westview staff picnic 2024
Group Westview Staff picnic 2024
Thad and Crystal Hart Westview staff picnic 2024
The beginning of the school year is always a busy time. Thanks to our August coffee sponsor Edward Jones-Shrock Family we are fueled and ready for a fantastic school year. Thank you again to all of our monthly coffee sponsors.
6 months ago, Westview Admin
Coffee Sponsor - August
Congratulations to high school boys tennis players. Both Varsity and JV won the Bluffton Invitational. Well done, boys!
6 months ago, WJSHS
High School Boys Tennis 2024
Join us for a Suicide/Overdose Awareness Event on September 19th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Westview Jr-Sr High School. The event includes a Resource Fair and Remembrance Walk. The event is free for all, but pre-registration is required. Check the attached documents for registration info and sponsorship opportunities.
7 months ago, Westview Admin
Suicide/overdose awareness event
Sponsors for Event
Reminder that Mondays are late-start days. Classes begin at 8:50 on Mondays, compared to 8:10 the rest of the school week. First bell will ring at 8:40 tomorrow morning.
7 months ago, WJSHS
Start Times Monday through Friday
Huge shout out to the Parents that Care group for the Jr-Sr High! You fueled us with a great start to the 2024-2025 school year, and we appreciate you ❤️💛
7 months ago, WJSHS
parents that care coffee stand
Welcome Back Students and Staff!
7 months ago, Westview Admin
Welcome Westview
Westview is looking for a Technology Assistant for our 7th-12th building.
7 months ago, Westview Admin
Technology Assistant Open Postition
We enjoyed seeing everyone who was able to make it to 7th grade orientation! Here are just a few of the snaps from this evening. If you weren't able to make it for orientation, stop into the office to pick up your packet during registration hours this week.
7 months ago, WJSHS
 7th grade orientation
7th grade orientation
7th grade orientation
Westview Jr-Sr High School In-person registration August 6th: 8am-3pm August 7th: 11am-5pm August 8th: 8am-3pm Grades 10-12 can pickup Chromebooks during these times at the WJSHS Media Center (signed Chromebook Agreement Needed) 9th grade Chromebook pickup and orientation will be August 7th 11am-1pm and 2pm-5pm(students can come anytime during those hours)
7 months ago, Westview Admin
WJSHS In-person registration
Each month, Westview will send out a newsletter to highlight important information happening throughout the Corporation. To make sure you're on the list, visit
7 months ago, Westview Admin
Subcribe to the Westview Newsletter
Join us Monday, August 5th at 6:30 pm for 7th grade orientation.
7 months ago, Westview Admin
Westview 7th grade orientation monday august 5  6:30-8:30
Online registration is now open for all returning Westview students. In-person registration is required for new incoming students, and details for those hours will be coming soon. We are looking forward to the 2024-25 school year and can't wait to see all our students on August 13th. Follow the link to register:
8 months ago, Westview Admin
Online Registration Open 2024-25
We are hiring a high school English teacher! For more information or to see current openings, visit
8 months ago, WJSHS
English Teacher Opening 2024
About Westview 2024