There will be a call out for anyone who wants to volunteer for the annual Special Olympics kick off. Meet in room 154 during activity period.
Both the Westview boys and girls are the NECC Super Dual champions! #dynasty
Theater Club meets tonight at 3:35pm in the Auditorium.
Athletic Change: The 8th grade boys soccer team will play first tonight and the 7th grade will follow.
GREASE: Rehearsal for Thursday has been cancelled. The first rehearsal for everyone is Friday night from 5-8pm in the choir room.
Juniors and Seniors: If you are taking Trigonometry or Calculus for dual credit, your payment is due to Purdue Fort Wayne this Friday (September 7). Please see Mr Yordy immediately if you have questions!!
JH Sport Pictures are Wednesday, Sept. 5 after school. Make sure you have your form & money with you.
Yearbooks ordered from 8th grade Amish that graduated last year and seniors can be picked up in the front office.
Dance Team Tryouts Sign-Up Sheet - in front office Tryouts will be held September 25th @ 5:30 pm upstairs in the big gym.
STUCO and Seniors: Tomorrow is another day to turn in your soap orders. Turn orders into Mrs. Jansen (rm 131). Please remember to have the money with your orders. Checks should be made to Westview. September 12th will be the last day to turn in your orders!
Girls XC takes 1st at Marion Invite!
The Westview JH boys cross country team won the Manchester Invitational for a 7th consecutive year!
JH Sport Pictures are Wednesday, Sept. 5 after school. Make sure you have your form & money with you.
No School - Monday September 3rd!
Juniors & Seniors: We have 6 college reps visiting with us over the next two weeks: Wabash College, Trine Univ, University of St. Francis, Grace College, Valparaiso Univ and Manchester Univ. If you are interested in meeting with them, stop by student services and sign up!
Athletic Changes:
Tue. 9/4 JV Boys Soccer w/ NorthWood has been cancelled.
Tue. 9/4- Varsity Girls Soccer vs Central Noble @ 5:00
Tue. 9/4- JH 7th & JH Girls Soccer with Garrett will be played @ the same time @ 5:00
Upcoming call-outs: HS Dance call out on September 10th in concession area during activity period.
HS Girls Basketball on September 17th in old gym during activity period
Attention all JH students: Next Tuesday, Sept. 4th will be the first day of Grade Recovery. Stay after school for extra help on homework and/or to make-up tests and quizzes. A teacher will be present each week. You can ride the shuttle bus if needed or have a parent pick you up. This is a great opportunity to keep your grades up and gain confidence in your skills.
If you are driving to school, you are required to have a parking pass displayed in your vehicle. The forms to get a pass are in the front office. The cost is $1. A check of the parking lot will be done next week. Please have your pass by Friday, September 7
NO practice tonight for 8th grade boys soccer.