The 8th grade boys soccer game against CN tonight is a home game and will be played at 5:00 pm.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
NECC: Varsity Girls Soccer will play @ West Noble on Thursday @ 5:00. GO WARRIORS!
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
NECC: Varsity BSC will play @ Central Noble on Thursday @ 5:00 in the consolation round.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Sophomores will order class rings during lunch on Friday.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
JH Grade Recovery tonight in room 221 from 3:35pm to 5:20pm
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Softball call-out grades 9-12 - September 24th old gym during activity period
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Juniors & Seniors: We have Manchester University visiting on Wednesday. Next week we have Franklin College, Purdue Fort Wayne, Indiana Wesleyan and Anderson University. If you are interested in meeting with the college rep, sign up in Student Services.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Soap Sales are due tomorrow!! Please plan on turning in your forms and money in the morning! Questions? See Mrs. Jansen.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
SENIORS: Please remember that the Lilly Scholarship is due tomorrow (Wed) at 5:00 PM. Please see Mr Yordy immediately if you have any questions or concerns. Good luck!!
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
9/11/18. Westview School Corp is under a 2 hour delay for fog.
over 6 years ago, Westview School Corporation
Westview schools are on a two hour delay.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Thursday, September 13, is the last day to buy a sports pass until basketball season.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
HS Grade Recovery in room 305 tonight from 3:40pm - 5:00pm.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Lost and Found is located in the stairway outside the front office. If you are missing water bottles, lunch bags, books, clothing, etc. please check the organized boxes in Lost and Found.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Upcoming call-outs: HS girls basketball grades 9-12 - September 17th old gym during activity period
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Sophomores: Please pay your class dues to Mrs. Klaassen. If you’re not sure if you paid them, please come and check.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
NHS members: Check your email for information about ordering t-shirts. Also, don’t forget your commitment form and $10 dues need to be turned in to Mrs. Harrington today. AND we still need a few people to work concessions for the second soccer game on Thursday, Sept. 13th.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Seniors: Pick up your order form for class shirts in Student Services or the main office. Orders are due next Friday. See Mrs. May with questions.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
If you are doing a winter sport NOW is the time to get your physical done.
over 6 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School