Student athletes...It was just announced that all 2019-20 physicals that are on IHSAA forms will be valid for the 2020-2021 school year. This is due to the difficulty scheduling physicals this spring and summer.
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
The Community Harvest Food Bank’s Mobile Pantry will be held every Monday at 1 pm at the IGA parking lot in Wolcottville in a drive thru fashion. For the safety of Community Harvest’s staff and volunteers, they request that participants clear and unlock the trunk of their vehicle to facilitate a no-contact transfer of groceries.
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
If you are in the Shipshewana area and need food or would like to donate, here is the information. #WeAreInThisTogether
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
If you are missing your Chromebook charger, or possibly your Chromebook, we will be having open hours for you to pick up those devices. Starting on Monday, April 20th through Friday, April 24th, you will be able to pick up your charger or Chromebook at door number 2 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon. Door number 2 is the west side door right beside the admin office. It is the exit door closest to the technology office. Please bring your Chromebook with you so we can confirm and match the charger number with your Chromebook. We also ask that you be mindful of the 6 ft guidelines and that one student enters the entryway at a time. Please stand on the X that will be marked on the floor and try not to get too close to one another or the technician working. Lastly, if you have any COVID-19 symptoms, DO NOT COME TO THE SCHOOL! Instead, notify Randy Sizemore at We will figure out another way to get it to you.
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
SENIORS: The state of Indiana has extended the FAFSA deadline. See link!
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Interested in playing or managing volleyball this season? Fill out the survey completely. Staff will be in contact about summer open gyms and workout schedules.
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Westview Jr/Sr High School has two openings for special education teachers. If interested, please contact high school principal, Mr. Rich Cory at
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
CLASS OF 2020: Your senior class sponsors know you are feeling robbed of the best weeks of your senior year, so they special ordered yard signs for you to display with pride. Look for more information regarding distribution. A special thank you to Lagwana for printing the signs!
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
PROM UPDATE: The original prom date of May 9th has been postponed to a later date, but junior class sponsors tell us it is being rescheduled. Stay tuned for more information! 😀
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
It’s #PhoneAFriendFriday! Remember....texting DOES NOT COUNT! 😃
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
SENIORS: Tri Kappa Scholarship has extended its deadline to APRIL 18. You can email your application to Mr. Yordy or Kari Lipscomb. GOOD LUCK!
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
It’s not a great day for outdoor activities, but you can have a little fun inside with this. Spell your name and complete the corresponding exercises. Have some fun with it. #MovingMondays
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Juniors and seniors...the College Board has released the end of the year AP exam schedule. 1. The CALCULUS exam is scheduled for Tuesday, May 12 @ 2:00 PM. 2. The ENGLISH LANGUAGE exam is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20 @ 2:00 PM. 3. Per College Board policy, exams will be OPEN BOOK and OPEN NOTE. Sessions will be 40-45 minutes long. Any cheating will result in no score. 4. Look for more communication from Mr. Yoder and Mr. Tibbs. 5. Please let us know if you don’t have internet access.
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
JUNIORS AND SENIORS: If you attend IMPACT, pleased read the following information from Jim Walmsley, the Director of IMPACT. The biggest highlights are: 1. There will be e-learning every week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. 2. The last day at IMPACT is MAY 21. 3. IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE YOUR WORK, YOU COULD LOSE YOUR HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CREDITS. 4. If you do not have good internet access, please let Mr. Yordy know.
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Westview School Corporation values the health and wellbeing of all students and staff. At this moment, we are keeping close attention to the coronavirus pandemic and communicating with all parties involved. A decision will made in the near future as it relates to the 8th grade Washington D.C trip. Thank you for your patience and flexibility, as we seek to make the best decision for the safety of all.
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
High school spring athletes...checkout this cool opportunity! Thank you to the LaGrange Standard-News for honoring spring athletes.
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Parents/Guardians of 7th and 8th graders... take this down time to browse this 21st Century Scholarship link and see if you qualify. It is an income based FREE COLLEGE TUITION SCHOLARSHIP! Read that again...FREE COLLEGE TUITION SCHOLARSHIP! Contact Jennifer May with questions at
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
We’re stuck at home and we miss our Westview family, so we put together our best version of the Family Matters opening song. A HUGE special thank you to Molly Manns for gathering and editing 118 staff member’s submissions and to Ryan Glassman for the idea! #WeAreWestview #FamilyMatters
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Homeschooling can be rough, so take a break because it’s #PhoneAFriendFriday! Today’s challenge...checkup on the elderly. Call your grandparents, an elderly neighbor, a great aunt or uncle. This population is at the greatest risk, and we need to step up and watch over them.
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
SENIORS: We know this isn’t how you wanted your senior year to end, but we will do everything we can to make sure the traditional end of year activities still happen (prom, senior breakfast and graduation). It might occur in the summer, but we want you to know we are working hard to send the class of 2020 out in true Warrior style. As social distancing guidelines are eased, we will know more answers at that time. Contact Mrs. Cowley or Mrs. May with any questions you have.
almost 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School