Bus #37, 46, 08 and 27 transporting Topeka area students are running approximately 25 minutes behind schedule due to a late field trip. This will affect Topeka, Westview Elementary and Westview Junior Senior High School. Bus #37, 46, 08 and 27.
over 6 years ago, Westview School Corporation
Dr. Miller stopped by Meadowview to participate in the Hawaiian themed Miracles 4 McDonalds.
over 6 years ago, Meadowview Elementary School
Grandpa Steve’s got the spirit too!
Nurse Springer, Dr. Miller, Mrs. Lambright and Mrs. Whitney
World’s Finest Chocolate Fundraiser.
over 6 years ago, Meadowview Elementary School
Mint Meltaways
Lots of chocolate!
Caramel Whirls
Thank you!!
Learning Fair kickoff.
over 6 years ago, Meadowview Elementary School
Learning Fair time!
Listen carefully...
Learning all about it.
Get involved with the Learning Fair!
Skating Party for third and fourth graders
over 6 years ago, Meadowview Elementary School
Skating party fun!
Fourth Grade is "Thinking Like a Scientist" by practicing how to make detailed observations and learning how to use scientific tools. One step at a time they are investigating the Scientific Method.
over 6 years ago, Meadowview Elementary School
Using science instruments
Whippin' Warriors performing for the summer reading program participants.
over 6 years ago, Meadowview Elementary School
Students who met their summer reading goals were treated to a performance by the Westview Whippin' Warriors
Whippin' Warriors
Whippin' Warriors
Whippin' Warriors
Overall winners for most minutes accumulated during the summer reading program.
over 6 years ago, Meadowview Elementary School
Overall winners for summer reading program.
Winners for highest amount of minutes for the summer reading program.
Summer Reading Program Awards Celebration
over 6 years ago, Meadowview Elementary School
1st graders with highest summer reading minutes.
2nd graders with highest summer reading minutes
3rd graders with highest summer reading minutes
4th graders with highest summer reading minutes
9/11/18. Westview School Corp is under a 2 hour delay for fog.
over 6 years ago, Westview School Corporation
Picture day is September 5th. Information has been sent home with the students. Parents can register online if they would like.
over 6 years ago, Meadowview Elementary School
Online ordering code.
Picture of order form
8/14/18 Westview School Corp. - This is an emergency notification test only. If you have any changes concerning notifications, please contact a building secretary.
over 6 years ago, Westview School Corporation
8/9/18 - 1:50 pm - This is a test of our emergency notification system. Please do not respond. -R.M.
over 6 years ago, Westview School Corporation
This afternoon we will be performing a test of our emergency notification system. You may have signed up last spring for texts, emails and phone calls. You may also receive notifications by downloading our app (search Westview School Indiana) in your app store on your smartphone or tablet. Don't forget to go to settings to select your buildings and allow push notifications which allow the app to send alerts on your phone.
over 6 years ago, Westview School Corporation
Westview News
We will be testing out our new emergency notification system two weeks prior to the first day of school. Be on the lookout for calls, texts or emails.
over 6 years ago, Westview School Corporation
First Student Day is August 15th!
over 6 years ago, Meadowview Elementary School
School supplies can be purchased and brought to school during Back to School Night or the first day.
over 6 years ago, Meadowview Elementary School
Back to School Night will be August 7th, 6-7p.m. Join us for ice cream and find out which classroom your child will be in. Hope to see you all there!
over 6 years ago, Meadowview Elementary School
Less than 4 weeks until school begins. Who is loving their summer break????
over 6 years ago, Westview School Corporation