Westview Theatre will be competing at the Bethel College Regional on November 23. Our piece is Emotional Baggage and auditions are tomorrow after school in room 300. We need crew also, so if you have an interest in any area, please attend.
JH Grade Recovery tonight in room 225 from 3:35pm - 5:20pm.
The Westview FFA Car show is on Friday, September 27, and all cars are welcome! The show starts at 5:30 pm following the boys soccer game. Food and music will be provided.
Anderson University Rep visit today at 1:30pm in Student Services.
Seniors: This week (SEPT 23-27) is College Go! Week. Many Indiana colleges are waiving their admission fee, which means you can apply for FREE. Check your email for the list of schools or look on the Student Services bulletin board. See Mr. Yordy if you have any questions.
There will be HS Grade Recovery today in room 208 from 3:40pm - 5:15pm.
Westview School Corporation is looking for a School Resource Officer. Visit our website to see how to apply. www.westview.k12.in.us
8th graders are you interested in joining the archery club? We will be allowing 8th graders to join the group this year. Please attend an informational meeting in Mrs. Duff's room on Monday during activity period for more information.
Congrats boys on defeating Penn in the championship to become the Concord Invitational Champions!!
HS STUCO members and Seniors: Soap Sale Orders are due Sept. 13th! THIS FRIDAY! Please be sure to turn them in! Don’t forget that $$$ is due at the time of turn in!
Are you interested in being a college athlete? You must meet academic requirements. Division I or II prospects, you must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse. If going to a smaller school, you will register through the NAIA Clearinghouse playnaia.org. Mr. Yordy has more info!
Seniors: A final reminder that the Lilly Scholarship application is due TOMORROW! www.lccf.net/lillyscholarship
We have a limited amount of additional 2018-2019 yearbooks available for purchase on Friday in the main office. The cost of the book is $55.00 (cash or check) and sold on a first come first serve basis.
Parents: ILEARN and ISTEP scores are being mailed home today. Please review the scores with your child.
Westview Theatre students on the set of Elkhart Civic Theatre’s play, “Now and Then”. They were invited to attend the preview performance.
Taking dual credit through Trine University? You must have everything turned in by this Friday (Sept 6). This includes your student agreement form, course registration and online application. Failure to meet this deadline will result in being dropped from the dual credit. Please see Yordy immediately with questions.
Theatre Club meets today for Grades 7-12. We’ll meet in the auditorium at 3:35.
Seniors: Aspiring IN teachers can apply for the Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship which provides up to $7,500 per year of college to students who commit to teaching in IN for 5 years after earning a degree. If interested, apply by 11-30-19 at ScholarTrack.IN.gov.
The 2018-2019 yearbooks are being distributed. Students are receiving them during 7th hour on Wednesday, September 4th. Students no longer enrolled at Westview may pick them up from the main office at their earliest convenience.