Basketball spirit shirts are on sale until Monday, November 11th. Order forms can be picked up in the front office. Short sleeve = $10 Long sleeve = $15
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Spirit Shirts
Congratulations to the following athletes who were recently named to the NECC All Conference teams: BOYS SOCCER: Blake Egli, Jack McCoy, Austin Yoder, Jadon Yoder GIRLS SOCCER: Jodi Hostetler, Julie Miller, Ashley Mullett Honorable Mention: Isabelle Helmuth, Paige Riegsecker, Paige Schwartz VOLLEYBALL: Payton May, Gloria Miller WARRIOR PRIDE!
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Fall athletes...the fall sports awards are tomorrow (Nov 5) night at 6:30 pm in the auditorium. Please plan to attend and dress accordingly.
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Fall Sports Awards
What an opening night!! Tickets are $10 and are still available for today’s shows at 2:30 pm and 7:00 pm. Don’t miss out!
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Wizard of Oz
Wizard of Oz
Wizard of Oz
Wizard of Oz
Seniors: Today (NOV 1) is a very important day if you are applying to IU Bloomington or Purdue W. Lafayette. You must complete your application, have Student Services send your transcript & send your SAT or ACT score directly. See Yordy immediately if you have any questions!!
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Marine biology informational meeting will be Monday, Nov. 4th at 6:00 pm for Juniors and Seniors that are interested in the trip over Spring Break 2020.
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Junior High students: Parent Shadow Day is quickly approaching, please drop off your completed parent forms to the front office in the basket by Brenda.
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Wizard of Oz tickets are now on sale in the front office. They are $10. There are four shows on the weekend of November 1-3! FRIDAY NIGHT IS SOLD OUT
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
JH students - Our first after school event is coming up! Stay after school on Friday, November 15 for snacks, an escape room, and other fun activities being sponsored by your JH student council. The cost to attend is $5, and you can sign up and pay in your science class.
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
HS Grade Recovery in room 166 with Mrs. Andersen 3:40 pm - 5:15 pm. Please let the front office know if you are staying.
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Junior & Senior Girls: Next week we have Saint Mary’s College (all women) coming to visit. If you are interested, please sign up in Student Services.
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Seniors: For activity period on Monday, you will not be going to a second speaker. Instead you will be going to the auditorium for a senior meeting about ordering your caps and gowns.
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Senior Meeting
11th & 12th Grade: THE BIN in Student Services has info about several scholarships. They include: Heisman Scholarship (up to $5000); B Davis ($1000, due May 22); Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship ($7500, due Nov 30); The Coolidge (Full ride for Juniors, due Jan 16); the Better Business Bureau Student of Integrity ($2000, due Dec 12); the Hagan Scholarship Foundation ($16,000, due Nov 15); and the Prudential Spirit of Community Award ($1000, Nov 5). Please see YORDY if you have any questions!
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
It's almost here....Junior High Parent Shadow Day!
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Parent Shadow Day-November 7, 2019
SENIORS: Get help filing the FAFSA at any one of 37 College Goal Sunday sites across the state on November 3. Billions in state and federal financial aid is available. The FAFSA is required for determining state and federal aid including grants, scholarships, student loans, and many colleges require a completed FAFSA to award merit and need-based scholarships. More info can be found at
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
College Goal Sunday
Students: Now is the time to buy your Sport Pass for the upcoming winter season. Your cost is $30 for the entire winter sport season. Please go to the athletic office for info.
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
GRADES 9-12: If you are a 21st Century Scholar, please consider attending Scholar Success Day at Trine on Sat, Nov 2. Registration is preferred at
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Congratulations to Warrior Spencer Carpenter who placed 6th at Semi-State and qualified to run at the STATE MEET next weekend! #WarriorPride
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Spencer Carpenter Qualifies for State!
Good luck XC runners at Semi-State today!
about 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Parents: If you were not able to make it to conferences this week, report cards will be sent home today with your child. Have a safe fall break and we’ll see everyone back on Monday.
over 5 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School