Indiana winters can be cold and dreary, but rays of light are breaking through the darkness. Let’s wear a mask, follow protocols and finish our winter sports season. Soon we’ll be sitting side-by-side at our games and meets again. #FaceOfSportsmanship #WarriorStrong
almost 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
It's what we've all been waiting for......the Whippin' Warriors jump rope team will perform at half time of the varsity basketball game on Friday. This will be the one and only LIVE performance of the season.
almost 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Congratulations #ClassActWarriorsoftheWeek
almost 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
The 7th grade girls won the Westview Tourney today! They defeated Churubusco in the first game and Lakeland in the second game. CONGRATULATIONS!!
almost 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Westview School Corporation is on a two hour delay, Friday, February 5th.
almost 4 years ago, Westview School Corporation
Enrollment for the 2022 France, Germany, and Switzerland trip is now open! You can find all the information here:
almost 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
The boys basketball game at West Noble will now be played tomorrow night (2-3-21). JV game will begin at 6:00 pm with varsity to follow. GO WARRIORS!
almost 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Westview School Corporation is on a two hour delay, Monday, Feb. 1st.
almost 4 years ago, Westview School Corporation
Westview Junior High #ClassActWarriors Our future is bright! 😎
almost 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Friday's spirit day theme is JERSEY DAY!
almost 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Westview School Corporation is closed Tuesday, January 26th.
almost 4 years ago, Westview School Corporation
Westview School Corporation is on a two hour delay Tuesday, January 26th.
almost 4 years ago, Westview School Corporation
Congratulations to these fine young men who are the 8th grade NECC CHAMPS!! #WarriorPride
almost 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Westview School Corporation is on a two hour delay Monday, January 18th.
about 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Seniors: PLEASE submit your baby pictures on Classroom before next Friday. Trust us when we say that your parents want them included in the graduation video. Make sure you get them turned in ASAP!
about 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
The JV boys basketball game at Central Noble on Saturday, December 12, has been postponed. As a result, it will be VARSITY ONLY game. The 9th grade boys basketball game vs Central Noble on Monday, December 14, has been postponed, as well.
about 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Last year's yearbook will be distributed to students during 7th hour on Thursday, December 10. For 2020 graduates and all others who have purchased books but are not in the building, the books will be available for pick-up on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11. If you did not purchase a book from last year but would like to, books will go on sale after all purchased books are distributed. So listen for announcements about the "Extra Books" sale. It will be first come, first serve and it is $55.00 per book.
about 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Great news JH sports fans... starting today the JH boys 7th and 8th grade A/B team games can be watched on the website. There is also an IHSAATV app!
about 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
Friendly reminder....Admission for all junior high and high school sporting events will be two adults per player. A sincere thank you to our fans who have been understanding as we go through these unprecedented times.
about 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School
The JH B team's basketball game has been canceled for tonight.
about 4 years ago, Westview Jr/Sr High School