Westview School Corporation is on a 2 hour delay, January 26, 2022. The 2 hour delay will help ensure our buses are warmed up and ready to go for school today.
Congratulations to our 7th grade NECC CHAMPS! 🏀🏆
REMINDER: School will be in session on Monday, January 24, 2022, to make up for the snow day we had on December 10th.
We’re hiring for the 2022/23 school year!
Westview is looking for Substitute Teachers. Come be a part of the Westview team!
Congrats #ClassActWarriors of the week!
The student safety team celebrated Officer Ed Flowers today in honor of School Resource Officer Day. Thank you for all you do to keep us safe!
Congratulations to the JV Tournament champs!!!!
Semester one report cards are being sent home with your student today.
Congratulations to our first Class Act Warriors of the new year!
School will not be in session on Thursday, January 6, 2022, due to a professional development day for our staff. Enjoy your day off!
The music department will be hosting a bake sale at this Saturday's boys basketball game versus Angola to help support the students traveling to Nashville and Gatlinburg over spring break! There will be several great treats for you to choose from!
Westview has a new PowerSchool website. The new site is westview.powerschool.com for parents and students.
We’ve made it to the second semester.
As a reminder….we start school on TUESDAY, January, 4, 2022. School will NOT be in session on Monday, January 3.
Welcome back, Warriors!
Westview School Corporation's PowerSchool site will be under maintenance from Wednesday, December 22 until Monday, December 27th, 2021
Congratulations Class Act Warriors!
Westview Booster Club will be selling items at the home basketball games tomorrow night. If you need some last minute gifts, be sure to bring your money or checkbook!
A special thank you to our elves in the cafeteria for the delicious holiday meal yesterday! They keep us well fed and always greet us with a smile! We appreciate all you do!
Members of the Sophomore: Be sure to sign up to work the concession stand at our home basketball games. This is the ONLY fundraiser we’ll do for prom. Each time you or your parents work, your name will go in the drawing for Apple AirPods and gift cards. There are still at least 80 other time slots between now and February 25th that need to be filled by 10th graders.
All students and staff are invited to participate in our dress up days!
Thursday-Christmas hat and/or socks Day
Friday-Flannel Day
Monday-Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
Tuesday-Christmas Pajama Day (school appropriate, of course)