Congratulations CLASS ACT WARRIORS!
The Westview FFA will be hosting a car show on Friday, APRIL 22 at 4pm in the Westview parking lot. Refreshments, food and music will be provided!
Do you need new Westview apparel? Want to support our student athletes? Be sure to purchase your Warrior spirit wear at the athletic booster's online store. All orders are due by midnight on March 23.
Updated info regarding Europe trip 2023.....Interested in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel to Paris, Florence, and Italy Summer 2023? Our informational meeting will be MARCH 24th at 6:00 pm in room 166 at the high school. One parent must be in attendance. We are serving cannolis!!! Please be sure to register! To register RSVP at this link
Westview School Corporation is on a 2 hour delay, Friday, March 11, 2022.
Congratulations to Easton Bontrager, Allie Springer and Jackson Minix who were named to the NECC All Academic Team. Twenty five students in the conference were awarded with this prestigious honor. Recipients were selected based on GPA and SAT scores.
Warrior Pride!
We’re proud of these Class Act Warriors!
Interested in joining us on a once-in-a-lifetime international travel experience to Paris, the French Riviera, Florence, and Venice in summer of 2023? All students in grades 7-12 are welcome!
Our informational meeting will be held on March 17th at 6:00 pm. There are limited spots available so don’t miss your opportunity to reserve your seat. One parent must be in attendance. So that we can alert you of any changes to this meeting, you must register using this link:
Can’t make the meeting but want more information? Register and select “No, but send info.”
JUNIORS: The VERY important, state-required SAT test is tomorrow morning. You MUST take this for graduation, so come rested, well-fed and ready. Testing begins at 8:10am and lab assignments are on the Student Services windows. Please bring your calculator and a pencil.
On Monday, February 28, Westview placed 1st and 2nd at the Northeast Indiana District III Small Engines CDE held at Central Noble High School. There were a total of 23 teams from eleven schools represented. The contest consisted of an exam, specifications sheet, tool and parts identification, skills practicum, and engine assembly. Westview’s teams will now compete at the State Contest on April 23, at Central Nine Career Center. At the state contest, $25,000 worth of scholarships will be available.
(Pictured from right to left: First place team of Ronnie Raley & Chad Hershberger; FFA Advisor Paul Baker; Second place team of Benton Hershberger and Andrew Baughman)
SPRING ATHLETES: You MUST have a physical on file before you can condition/practice. Stop in the athletic office if you are not sure if you have one.
Congratulations to our Class Act Warriors of the week!
Thank you to Mr. Randy Merrifield for assembling a county wide, educational task force to inform 8th graders about the dangers of vaping, smoking and school truancy. Presenters also spoke about teen court and its purpose, as well as where to access counseling services to overcome various challenges in life.
Ben’s Soft Pretzels in Shipshewana provided us with a delicious treat for all students and staff. Thank you!
It’s National Bus Driver Appreciation Day!
Be sure to thank a bus driver today.
Westview School Corporation is on a 2 hour delay, February 18th, 2022. Westview will be going to school today following the 2 hour delay.
A huge shout out to the Whippin' Warriors jump rope team on a stellar performance at last night's game! Well done!
The boys soccer team was presented their STATE CHAMPIONSHIP RINGS last night at the basketball game! They are living proof that dreams do come true! 🐐⚽️🏆
At last night's boys basketball game, we were honored to recognize one of the greats, Mrs. Darlene Mathew. Thank you for your selfless and tireless dedication in serving Westview student-athletes for 46 years! WOW! #WarriorPride
Please remember that you must have money in your lunch account to purchase second helpings or purchase from the ala carte line. We thank you for your cooperation.
SENIORS: If you are going to college next year, remember to complete scholarships from LaGrange County Community Foundation. Deadline is FEB 15 @ 5:00 PM.