Our Westview Jr-Sr family! You are all amazing!
Westview School Corporation is on a 2 hour delay, Thursday, September 15th, 2022.
Westview School Corporation is on a 2 hour delay, Wednesday, September 14th, 2022.
Junior Teague Misner recently took the lead as Westview's leading soccer scorer. He is currently at 80. The previous record was 78. Way to go, Teague!
Last week Parents that Care and Roonies Hot Dogs served lunch to the Jr/Sr High School staff. The weather was perfect for outdoor enjoyment. Thank you to both Parents that Care and Roonies Hot Dogs!
Thank you to our September Coffee Sponsors - Reason for Hope!
We hope you have a nice weekend, see you Tuesday.
On Friday, August 19th the Shipshewana Trading Place and the Shipshewana Blue Gate held a picnic for all Westview employees and their families. Westview would like to thank both local businesses for hosting the event. It was great to see the extended families of our Westview family together for fun, food, and great fellowship.Go Warriors!
Our Seniors gave back at the Feed My Starving Children event today!
105 students + 3 chaperones = 190 boxes packed = 1,040 meals = 112 children fed for one YEAR in just under 2 hours!
These superheroes wear hairnets.
You are invited to join us on a once-in-a-lifetime international travel experience to Paris, Florence and Venice in Summer 2023! There is incredible growth that comes with seeing the world, exploring new places and experiencing new cultures - and I’m excited to bring that opportunity to Westview. Time is running out to enroll. Please check out this website for more information at www.eftours.com/2551782cp Contact Laura Perkins if you have any questions.
This is a test of the Westview School Corporation alert system. This is only a test. If you would like to be removed from this alert system please contact one of Westview's school offices with your contact information.
Officer Jackie Conwell and the Westview Police Department donated money in support of the Westview girls golf team. The donation helped the team purchase name tags for the team golf bags, as well as a gift card to be used by the coach and team for other team needs.
Carver Stump, a Westview 8th-grader, recently spent a day at the Indiana State Fair to highlight his summer robotics internship and to help with demonstrations at the Purdue Extension Computer Science STEM Lab. Well done, Carver!
It's finally here! First day of school 2022! Welcome back to all of our students at Shipshewana-Scott, Meadowview, Topeka, Westview Elementary, and Westview Jr/Sr High. We hope you had a great summer.
Let's make it a great school year!
Today Westview welcomes back the staff as they make the final preparations for an amazing school year. Westview has the greatest staff! Students, we will see you in...2 days!
It seems 4ever since we have seen you!
High Five!
The final week before school! While we are sad to see summer ending, we are excited to see all of your smiling faces.
Only 2 weeks to go!
Did You Know? Westview graduates are eligible for a $1,000 scholarship award. The Westview Scholarship Fund was created to support the educational goals of Westview graduates. If you graduated from Westview in the past two years, you are eligible to apply for a one-time award that can be used for any educational expense. You must be enrolled full-time in a college, university, or trade school. Learn more at Lccf.net/WestviewScholarship. Applications for the Fall Semester are due by August 15.