Supplies needed for Junior High School this year:
(4) Boxes of Kleenex – give to your 1st period teacher
Pencils with erasers- extra lead
Crayola Colored Pencils
Pencil Case
Post-It Notes
Pens - blue or red ink
Pocket Folders (1 Science, 1 English, 1 Social Studies, 1 Computers, 1 per exploratory class)
3-Ring Binder 1½ or 2 inch Ring Binder and 5 Sections Divider Tabs - Math
Calculator (with square root and factorial (!) keys) (best choice found at Walmart TI-30XIIS)
(3) 8 X 11 wide-ruled spiral notebooks (Soc. Studies and English)
(2) Composition Notebook (English) (Science)
Extra Large book cover (Science)
Backpack for all day use
Personal hand sanitizer
WSC will provide 1 mask to each student but they will be responsible for keeping
it (or their own from home) clean and with them each day. Feel free to purchase
additional masks.
Eighth graders taking Agriculture - Shop clothes and safety glasses.
Seventh graders-1” black binder for CCR (will be used through 8 th grade)
Each student will receive an “Assignment Book” the first day of school, so there is no
need to purchase one.
*The Music Department operates “The Bookstore” during the school year. Many of the
additional items may be purchased from the bookstore at reasonable prices.