Just a reminder: there is no school for Westview Schools on Friday, March 14th. We hope all our students enjoy the three-day weekend. We will see you all again on Monday, March 17th.

Classroom 6H has a Baby Shower for Mr. Boyer

Library Students hard at Work

Hallway Spirit Art

6th graders researched Broadway shows in small group. They also presented a creative performance from their designated show- they were so CREATIVE!

Hallway Art

Students at Westview Elementary competed in a volleyball tournament during the month of February. The winning 5th and 6th grade teams will play the staff on April 3rd. The championship games for each grade were very exciting! Mr. Stump's class ended up beating Miss Hayes' class in three sets for the 5th grade championship title. Mrs. Geng's class beat Mr. Williams class in 3 sets as well for the 6th grade championship title.

March Newsletter

Junior Achievement Visits Westview Elementary

Sixth-grade students worked hard to complete science fair projects on time for the science fair. Experimenting and collecting data was so much fun. Pictures are of Logan Yoder and David Bontrager, Christina Killian, Miranda Carmona and Alayna Hochstetler, Steven Miller and Karl Hershberger, and Brynnley Schneman all working on finding results to try and support their hypothesis.

New Air conditioner Installation

Indoor and Outdoor Recess

Parent Meeting Information

Encouragement message in the cafeteria from Students

PE Students learning Volleyball Skills

Ladies in the Front Office Celebrate Valentine's Day

Westview School Corporation is on a 2 hour delay, Monday, February 17, 2025. School will start with a 2 hour delay based on a Tuesday to Friday schedule.

Thank you to both of Westview's School Resource Officers (SROs). Officer Flowers and Officer Conwell, you deserve to be celebrated!

The PTO treats the WES staff on Valentine's Day

Westview School Corporation is on a 2 hour delay, Thursday, February 13, 2025.